You have all given me the most difficult job in choosing the winner and top 3. So much so I have got to give me a number, but I can't find a way to save it and show it on this blog post, so far it eludes me. But this is the number it generated for me .....................
the number is ............
Heike at My Creative Place
Heike please email Hazel at and she will organise your prize with you and also please take the winner badge for your blog.
and TOP 3 badges go to .........
in no particular order ........
No 44 Denise at LaLa's World
No 104 Celine at Passionnement Cartes
No 119 Peggy at Beautiful Greetings
Well done girls, please take your Top 3 badges to display on your blog.
I would also like to give a special mention to Louise at Lou's Crafty Creations for her fabulous Wogga Witch card. Well done Louise you did a fabulous job with this card and we hope we will see you again with more of them.
Do pop over and have a look at the gorgeous creations these girls have posted. I just wish I could award everyone with something.
We have an amazing sponsor tomorrow with a prize I am sure you would love to win. Do come back and see what Lisa has set as the challenge.
Have a wonderful weekend and a great week if your children are on their half term break.
Thankyou for your continued support.
Love Brenda, Hazel, Shell, Lisa, Heidi an Kelli.
Oh my gosh!!! I got in your top three!!!! Thank you soooooo much!! I'm so excited about it!!! Yippee!!!!!!!
Well done girls! All such beautiful cards! And WOW! 119entries - that's quite something isn't it?!
It shows how great your challenges are! ;)xx
Thanks for mentioning Louise - she'll be really chuffed when I show her this tomorrow morning! Susie x
thanks thanks thanks!!!!!
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