Thursday 15 February 2018

65. Things From My Chosen Song

Good morning guys and gals. Hope that this finds you all happy and well.

Its my turn (Mrs. Duck) to choose the theme here at MAWTT and, in time honoured tradition, I am going with a song lyric theme again.

I have already used the first verse of Dana's All Kinds of Everything as a previous theme so this time round, I want you all to use the second verse as your inspiration...............

Seagulls and aeroplanes
Things of the sky

Winds that go howlin'

Breezes that sigh

City sights

Neon lights

Grey skies or blue

All kinds of everything remind me of you

You must have at least one of the things mentioned in bold print above. The song title is not included as I don't want to actually see all kinds of everything lol!!! Also, it would be nice to see entries that contain more than just a grey or blue sky please and not just general birds (Seagulls please) or butterflies/dragonflies......lets be adventurous folks!!!


Things of the sky

Seagulls (and a pelican, sorry!)

Diane Louise
'Aeroplanes' and 'Things of the Skies'


'Things of the sky' and 'Grey skies'


Wendy L (Spanish Crafter)
Aeroplanes, Things of the Sky

A maximum of 3 entries per person and the challenge closes at 6pm GMT on 28th February.
Good luck everyone.

Ang x

1 comment:

Craftyhugs said...

Great challenge. Looking forward to seeing the cards are created for it x