Wednesday 11 March 2015

Fabulous bunnies everyone! - now for the result....

Hi all

Well those of you who were tempted certainly showed us your fabulous bunnies! 

I loved this challenge and you all joined in with the spirit of it 
it was a lot of fun : )

There were so many lovely entries 
and here are my top 3

#10 Squirrel
(I have to say this was my 'favourite bunny image that I've never come across before' - I just love this
which means I'll probably be off to spend some more money lol )



Please take your top 3 badge from the sidebar ladies and wear it with pride

Hope we see you playing along again next week 

Judith and the MAWTT DT girls


Squirrel x said...

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much Judith. It gave me great pleasure to create that card so I am thrilled you like it as much as I do. Made my day a happy one. Hugs Squirrel xx

Sandra H said...

Congrats all.

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Thank you so much for choosing my BeBunni in your Top 3
Huge congrats to the other winners
Hugs Shell xx