Thursday, 26 February 2015

Be A Sport

Morning everyone. Happy Friday Eve.

With today's challenge we'd like to see your creations to have a sporting theme - doesn't matter what sport as long as it's a sport!!

And we have some wonderful inspiration for you from Team B. Please click on the link above the photos to visit the individual blogs.

Hazel (Didos) 


Sue B

Welcome to the Team.





So that's it, let's see your sporty creations now.

Lots of love


    An InLinkz Link-up

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Top 3 for Pink / Purple Butterfly Challenge

Good Evening All
Thanks for playing along with us this time.  Wow there were some stunning creations and I, personally thoroughly enjoyed looking at them all, I did try to comment on all but so sorry if I did miss anyone.
Here are my chosen Top 3 in no particular order and feel free to take our Badge from the side bar.

No. 31 - N - Eva
Love the hair colouring and colours and design

No. 1 - Meg
Love the simplicity and the butterfly

No. 34 Monica Soto
Such a different design.

And a special mention for  11 year old No. 33 Rebecca for this lovely creation and because it is my challenge I`m having a Top 4

Thanks again
Wendy L (Spanish Crafter)

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Pink /Lilac and / or Butterflies

Good Morning Everyone

It is my turn to host the challenge this week and I (Wendy L) would love to see Pink or Lilac and maybe afew Butterflies too.
We have some wonderful inspiration from Team A and give a warm welcome to our four new ladies.

Emily  First week, welcome

Gail  First week - welcome to you too


Katie  First Week, Welcome to you too

Amy - Welcome on your first week too.

You can visit all the DT's blog by clicking on their names above the photos.
Have fun and we look forward to visiting you all.
Wendy L

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Top 3 From Square Eyes...

Good Evening Everyone,  

Thanks to Everyone who took part in the Favourite TV Shows Challenge last week.  Ive now got some more shows to get watching!!!

So onto my Top 3.

They are in no particular Order.

5 Sam Lewis
~What a great Journal;Page. Love it.

6 Cathy (Kraftykoolkat)

I love vintage 1920s creations so this was right up my street!!

3 Fairytale Dream Sandy Gough
 Fab take on Tarzan. Makes me wanna swing through the jungle!!

Congratulations Ladies.  Feel Free to grab the Top 3 Badge and pop it on your blog. xx

Join us again tomorrow when its Wendy who takes the reigns from me with her super challenge.

Love Hazel (Didos)xx

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Square Eyes...

Good Morning and welcome back to the Challenge here on MAWTT.

Pop down to see the Top 3 Post from Last week. Its HERE!

This week its me (Hazel Didos) who is Hostess again.

I would love to see what your 

Favourite TV Programme

 is in the form of a card or other Crafty Creation. 

Its Team B this week and we have One of our New Designers here for her first week too,  Our other New Lady for Team B Marylee will be joining us in a fortnight.

'The Walking Dead'


Sue B (Downton Abbey)


'Strictly Come Dancing'


The Voice

Grey's Anatomy


Miss Marple

WOW What a great array of Fav Programmes we have.  

You have till Wednesday 18th Feb at 20:00 UTC to get your creation in to us.

Thanks for playing,

Hazel and Team B.   

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Pastels Top 3.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all the fabby folks who entered the challenge last week. WOW you love your pastels!!

What a beautiful array of cards and creations.

So onto my Top 3.

They are.

18 Cards By Sheena
What a great card, I love the different shape Sheena has gone for here its adorable.

6 Jennifer H
This is adorable, what a great wee card. Love the white embossed background.

27 Paper Profusion

I adore the Vintage shabby chic style of this card. 

Please Grab the Top 3 Badge Ladies xx

Thanks to Everyone who entered.

Pop Back tomorrow for the next challenge,

Love Hazel and Team A

Sunday, 8 February 2015

New Design Team Members...

Good Afternoon,

Im here to announce the Lovely New Design Team Members we have picked.


Thanks to Everyone who entered the DT Call. 

Looking forward to working with you Ladies,

Love Hazel x

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Pastel Time...

Good Morning,

WOW Thanks to everyone who took part in last weeks Challenge by Claire. We had a lot of entries and they are all brilliant.

Im just about organised and will be letting the Ladies who applied for the DT Call know if they have been successful in the next 24 hours.

Now onto this weeks challenge.

Ive gone for a color theme. 


This week its Team A who are your Hostesses. Here are their fabby cards.


Hazel (Didos) 


All Brilliant, Im sure you agree. Why not pop over to the Lovely Ladies Blogs and leave them some love!!! 

You have until Wednesday 11th February at 20:00 UTC 

Thanks for joining us,

Hazel and Team A